Hi Malaysian REAs (Who Operate 1-Man or Small Estate Agencies),
Greetings to you.
To run a small or 1-man estate agencies, a REA or realtor probably incurs RM3,500 to RM5,000 per month just to pay office rental and admin. salary - not to mention minimum charges for tele-communication, electricity, etc. Annually, he/she pays about RM50,000 - RM80,000 to run a small set-up.
If his/her annual revenue is less than RM250,000, this means he/she gets less than 80% for every deal he/she or his/her Negotiators closes! When times (or luck?) are bad, he/she still has to pay that RM5,000 pm even though the income was ZERO for that month! This is certainly no good for any REA!
So, what if there is a "win-win" costs-saving cooperative package:
* that can relieve you from paying monthly office rentals and admin salaries totally;
* that can earn you more % commission than you currently do for every deal closed by you - i.e. after deducting overheads;
* that can help you to recruit & train your quota of Negotiators - a constant problem for small or 1-man agency;
* that can pays your quota of Negotiators their basic salaries, EPF & Socso - you'll be amazed how this is possible;
* that can earn you over-riding leadership fee over the deals closed by the Negotiators supervised by you?
Wouldn't that be an interesting business model that you would want to know more? If so, pick up the phone, sms or call me immediately. Even those with differences of opinions previously may respond: Afterall, it's business! No historical differences is ever kept in my heart!
To recap, the package will benefit you IF:
* you are currently operating a real estate agency firm with no or few performing Negotiators;
* your firm's current overheads are, on average, eating up more than 20% of your revenue;
* after deducting the overheads, you are on average left with less than 80% of the commission for every deal closed;
* your monthly overheads are quite a nuisance to you;
* you do not see yourself recruiting more than 5 performing Negotiators for your firm in the foreseeable future;
* you do not mind teaming up with other REAs on a cooperative package:
# that relieves you from paying major monthly operational overheads;
# that earns you more % commission than your current firm is getting on average for every deal closed.
You lose nothing by holding the discussion with me - in fact, you have everything to gain. There were enquiries from as far as Kota Kinabalu in response to my first invitation. My 2nd invitation has resulted in promising discussions with some in Klang Valley who will follow up on the discussions with visits to my office next week.
There is
no deadline to this invitation.
Bear this invitation in mind: You don't have to stop practising and/or start working for other REAs as a Negotiator when times are bad (or Negotiators are hard to recruit after law-breaking agencies offer them as high as 90%)! Always bear this in mind - that
there is another platform available for you to continue practising estate agency profitably and honourably as a REA with minimal financial burden and no longer in a 1-man set-up.
Call me for a discussion when you are ready as some have already done. Let's gang-up to do business together lawfully!
I can be reached at
012-288 6993; or email: tanhalim1@... (yahoo dot co dot uk).
All appointments and discussion will be in strict confidence (Currently, REAs in Klang Valley are most welcome).
Thank you.
With best regards,
Douglas GT Tan (E 1579)CEO/Proprietor
GT REALTY22-B (2nd Floor), Jalan 19/36,
46300 Petaling Jaya,
Tel: 03-7958 8821 / 012-288 6993
Fax: 03-7958 7821